The company VAVRYS CZ s.r.o. was set up in 1991 by a life-long athlete Petr Vavrys In Luhacovice, where the company is located up today. Since the beginnings, the focus has been predominantly on warehouse distribution of high-quality equipment and sports apparel. At the same time, we came with the specific hand-made equipment meant for sport and outdoor
Nowadays, we are successfully exporting into 32 countries worldwide in the area of orienteering sport.
Demands on the exclusivity and products of high-quality have remained up today. ‘I would not be able to offer something that I am not one hundred per cent sure about’ says founder of the company Petr Vavrys, the outdoor sports lover and the former national athlete representing the country in the orienteering running.
The VAVRYS company is being the sole distributor of all brands listed in the portfolio in the area of Czech and Slovak republic. Some of these brands are also supplied to Hungary. The Headquarter and warehouses are centred in the picturesque town of Luhačovice, which is well-known as a spa region. Even though the convenient location allows us a supplementation to the Slovak market, we have built the centralized fractions in both countries (VAVRYS CZ s.r.o. a VAVRYS SK s.r.o.).
We have markedly expanded since the beginning of 90’ when the first batch of functional sportswear CRAFT was sold. Since that time, we have dynamically grown as a company with a crystal-clear vision to fulfil and match clients’ needs and requirements. A part of the company's vision is the enhancement of the level of sport retails in countries where we are actively operating. Considering the numerous staff, we have been separated into the following areas:
Department of business administration consists of the sales representatives responsible for the entrusted regions. Our customer service, located at the headquarters in Luhacovice, keeps in daily touch with our B2B partners and with the end-customers as well.
Each brand manager is responsible for the order and way of delivering products listed in our portfolio. Meanwhile, they are in a direct connection with the head fractions of our company.
Marketing department with its own DTP studio produces nationwide campaigns and local support for particular trade partnerships. In the meantime, the department collaborates with a wide range of athletes, media and last but not least, promotes competitions and sports events to maximize brand visibility.
Tremendous warehouse space with a possible expand-spatial potential allows us to cover customer requirements even in the demanding periods.
The marketing department aims to build awareness of our exceptional brands, creating topics and critical discussion. We stand for our vision, knowledge and purpose beneath the spirit of every single product.